HELLO DECEMBER! We can now officially go Christmas crazy without anyone saying anything!
Unfortunately I can't participate in blogmas properly as with a full time job and a demanding boyfriend and puppy a post a day just doesn't seem realistic. Instead there will be a blogmas related post once/twice a week.
So on with today's post - Even though we put the tree up last Friday I thought I would make my first post of #BLOGMAS about my Christmas prep!
So on with today's post - Even though we put the tree up last Friday I thought I would make my first post of #BLOGMAS about my Christmas prep!
Kieran went up into the loft, fished out the bag full of Christmas cheer and we started to make our home into a grotto even Santa's elves would be proud of.
Firstly, we decorated the tree.
Firstly, we decorated the tree.
I'm not a massive fan of overly decorated tree's and I like to keep mine simple - or practically bare as Kieran likes to call them!
When I first moved out from my parents 3 years ago my first tree was super skinny and I had little felt decorations. Over the last few years the tree has grown and the felt decorations are long gone. Every year we have added new decorations to the collection.
Our first Christmas together we bought these sweet little robins from Tesco. Last year we added the tartan hearts which were from Homebase. This year we added the nordic/tartan baubles which were from Next.
Obviously you can't decorate your tree without something Christmassy in the background. This year I chose to stick on my favourite Christmas film Elf - closely followed in second place is The Muppets Christmas Carol.
After we decorated the tree, I fished out the Christmas Memories Yankee Candle and mine and Kieran's christmas stockings. Since we live in a rented house I've currently draped them on our plaque. Although as this is Archies first Christmas we should really get him one too!

We then hung our Christmas Wreathe. My Mum and Dad have upgraded theirs so gave us their old one. It looks great from outside but inside it is attached to the door by celotape! Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about our ugly plastic door which I hate but it at least makes it more Christmassy.
On Sunday we also bought a few new festive decorations including this cute little sign from BHS with is stuck up in our kitchen! Isn't it sweet!
We've also draped some tinsel over the banister for that added bit of festive-ness.
And with that, we are ready for Christmas!
I hope you guys have put your decorations up! :)
This has got me super excited for Christmas now! I cannot wait!
ReplyDeleteBlog:: Hannah Rose
I love the decorations, nothing gets you more festive then putting up the tree and decorating the whole house xx
I love that sign and the little robin decoration - so sweet! x