20 September 2016


OH.MY.GOD! Yes, you read right! Last week I attended FRIENDSFEST with my ultimate bestie Donna! For those of you unaware - or that don't watch Friends repeats on Comedy Central - this is a festival style event dedicated to all things F.R.I.E.N.D.S. If you have no idea what Friends is...get out, now, I'm being serious. What have you done with your life! So I present to you a quick run through of our time last week - please excuse the chunkiness! My bump hasn't appeared yet so I still look like I've eaten a few too many pizzas! I promise, there is a baby in there!

18 September 2016


Oh Lush! Its been so long and I've bloody missed you! I haven't had a nice soak full of bubbles since July and my skin is feeling unloved. It's been well overdue so Kieran and I took a quick trip to the Lush store in Sheffield to stock up. And even better, I get a little blog post out of it too! So sit back, relax and have a cheeky mooch through what we bought - I say we as Kieran loves Lush just as much as I do!

13 September 2016


Morning campers! For those of you that don't know me - I love dogs! Big, small, fluffy, hairless, any pooch that crossed my path gets inundated with snuggles and fuss. Kieran actually bows his head in embarrassment when I walk past a dog saying hello in a baby voice and completely ignore the owners. However I've never really introduced Archie formally. I found this little tag a while back on Amber Louise's blog and thought it was a little bit of fun...and an excuse to shower love on my little pudding - especially as his days as our only baby are slowly coming to the end.

8 September 2016


Morning campers! Everyone always uses the word "journey" for these types of posts. A journey to me is a path you take to get to somewhere better and as much as my little baby boy to be is the best thing since sliced bread in my eyes this issue isn't making me more grateful or more appreciative...it's just making me ill. So I decided to use the word battle...because that's what hyperemesis is to me, a long, bloody, up hill battle. You know in Game of Thrones where Jon Snow is stuck in a pile of people...yeah, that kind of battle.

1 September 2016


Morning campers! Is anyone else ridiculously excited for cosy weather! As I'm a resident of the UK,  Summer is a bit of a novelty - or the week of the year we like to call Summer - but this year I'm kind of over it! I'm not sure whether it's because I'm overheating and nauseas all the time or because none of last years holiday clothes fit but I'm just not feeling it. So I've decide to jump straight into Autumn because we all know, after Christmas, it's the best time of the year! So this weekend I went shopping for some fabulous Autumnal - yup, that right, I dropped the 'A' bomb - bits to get me through the next few months while my belly grows bigger than Santa's. Now, I'm no fashion blogger - really, I spend my life in tracksuit bottoms and a vest from Next! - but I got so excited about what I bought I've got to share! Most of the items here are part of a pregnancy range (aside from the bag, scarf, boots and grey cardigan) and were also available in store which I thought was fab!