Unfortunately this is yet another post without any pretty blog worth images. For once not due to my laziness but due to the fact this post comes to you at 5am from a hospital bed...WOOPS!
At the end of week 31 I was admitted back onto the antenatal ward for further monitoring of my blood pressure and confirmed preeclampsia. OH FUN! This time I was thankfully more prepared with a lovely little MiFi router so I can spend my days watching Greys Anatomy with copious amounts of snacky food because, well, pregnancy. I also had a set of steroid injections this week to mature our little man's lungs just in case he decides to make an early appearance - FYI, most painful injection I've ever had. I am not ashamed to say I shed a slight tear!
HOW BIG IS BABY: I'm not even sure how big our cheeky chappy is but he's currently weighing in at around 4lbs.
HOW I'M FEELING: Being completely truthful, I'm feeling a little claustrophobic, a little bit bored and general just crap all around. Loving pregnant life all around over here!
HOW MY BODY IS CHANGING: A fair few stretch marks have been popping up across my tummy. I'm a firm believer in, if your going to get them, your going to get them so I'm not too fussed about this. I also struggle to eat more than a few bites of food which is really depressing - if I can't drown my sorrows in food and Christmas chocolate now then when can I aye!!
CRAVINGS AND AVERSIONS: EVERYTHING! I want to eat everything and then hours later realise due to ridiculous acid reflux that nothing agree's with me and I end up rolling around in pain cursing that last bite of toast or chocolate - yes even toast gives me acid. Fan-bloody-tastic!
SOMETHING THAT MADE ME HAPPY: Not to be a negative nelly but seriously, is there any positives when your 32 weeks and stuck in a hospital bed. Aside from the fact I am in the best place to monitor our little man and check that he's still happy as Larry, I'm surrounded by women going into full on labour on a daily basis and the furthest I can venture outside is to the other side of the hospital. I'm struggling to find the positives at the minute. Suggestions on a postcard!
AND SOMETHING THAT MADE ME NOT SO HAPPY: Aside from the slight constipation, - blaming hospital food here! - the lack of sleep, - so many contractions and buzzers and beeps! - the lack of independence, - although I'm very grateful for the tea making facilities! - the lack of company - all my friends and family live around 50 miles away and as much as I'd love to I can hardly smuggle in my beloved Pudding into the hospital ward! - and the lack of structure - during busy times and not being of the greatest of priorities in comparison to said labouring women! - I've got a hell of a lot to moan about....but I won't, because that's just crap reading isn't it!
And on that note, I will swiftly disappear and hopefully get a cheeky hours kip before they turn all the lights on or someone new starts getting contractions! And who knows, there is a strong possibility that the next update will contain a baby!
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