Ok, maybe not but I am staying positive! It's New Year's Eve and I've been seeing lots of posts about their goals for next year and its made me consider whats on the horizon for me and my little space on the internet...and even me!
Over the next year I will be celebrating my first blogversary and I've tried to think about where we will be by this time next year.
- 1500 follower on Twitter - Over the last 6 months I've been really lucky that I've nearly reached 700 followers. I'm hoping to up my game and become a little more visable and hopefully gain some new followers in the process. My first giveaway had a brilliant reception so maybe when I get to 1K I will do another one! You can follow me here.
- 300 followers on Bloglovin' - I'm hoping to double my following on Bloglovin before the year is up. You can follow me here.
- 100 likes on Facebook - I've recently set up a Facebook page which I'm just getting my head around. I really like to reach at least 100 likes on the page before the end of the year. You can follow me here.
- Gain 100 views per post - At the minute I get around 50/60 views on most posts and is a lot less than when I first started. Maybe I need to step up my game when it comes to advertising posts...?
- Develop some form of schedule/organisation for posts - I've wanted to develop some form of schedule for a while but sometimes organised chaos just works better for me when my time is lacking. I really want to put aside 2 days for regular posts and a catch up Sunday post once/twice a month.
- Improve on my photography - My camera is amazing but sometimes my photo's can be hit or miss. This is partically down to the lack of light in my house and the lack of nice surfaces...hopefully a big white sheet of card and some lighting will help with this in the new year.
Slightly off topic but still an interesting read I've added in a few personal goals that I'm hoping for too.
- Work out twice a week, minimum! - Before I moved to Sheffield and adopted our little pooch I used to go to the gym 5 times a week. I've never been a health nut but it really helped with my anxiety and feeling less sluggish. I am hoping to join a closer gym so I can at least sacrifice an hour a few nights a week.
- Pass my driving test - Yes, I am 25 and still haven't got a pink license! I've taken my theory test twice since I was 17 and my current one expires in June so I need to hurry up and pass before I have to take it again! Who knows I may not even drive once I have it but at least it is done and I won't have to worry.
- Save up for our first house - I currently have an ISA with £20 in it...so this year Kieran and I want to dedicate some time to saving up for a bulk amount for our house deposit. I really hate renting and want to get out ASAP!
What are your goals for 2016? :)
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