28 August 2016


Morning campers! This last month has come round far too quickly although this post is coming 2 weeks earlier than I planned. We had our 20 week scan all booked in but I was far too excited so we went ahead and booked a slightly early private scan so we could make the most of it! I booked a JustGender scan through BabyBond which only cost £39. This scan provides a 10 minutes session of just you and your baby with plenty of prints to show off afterwards. What better excuse for a blog post and also to announce our little Shrimpy's gender!

So before I reveal the answer to the big question - I just wanted to share my experience at BabyBond in Nottingham. The scanning unit is located at the back of a large Mothercare store. The small room is tucked away and filled with cosy lighting, comfy sofa's and most importantly a BIG screen to watch your little baby wiggling around. The atmosphere was great, it even kind of felt like I was walking into a spa for a massage - not to be poked and probed! - and the staff were friendly and kind.

Our sonographer started by measuring babies body parts, checking the heartbeat and fluid levels and doing a general wellbeing test. She also noted the baby's position which I thought was something really interesting that I've never really been told in previous NHS scans. She then moved onto the main event, discovering the sex! After a few minutes of manouvering around our awkward little monster we spotted a little tell tale sign in between the legs...WE ARE HAVING A BOY! 

She then gave us a little sneak peak by using the 4D scanning feature which was an amazing surprise! We got to see his little facial outlines and also - as you can see in the photos below - looking very chilled out in there! After the scan I wiped off the gooey gel from my tummy and she handed us a little blue bag with a product leaflet and also a little book with our photos in.

After we left and bought a few novelty baby grows - an R2D2 and a Superman one to be precise! - we checked the photos. All together we received around 9 photos including ones of our 4D scan which were an amazing surprise as I don't believe this was part of what we paid for!

All in all I couldn't recommend BabyBond any higher! Their service was awesome! We didn't feel rushed and felt like we were in our own little bubble whilst we explored our new addition to the family. I'd definitely consider returning later on in my pregnancy, just to see our little monster again!

Make sure to tune in for my 20 week update in a few weeks time!

*Not a sponsored post, just completely blown away by the whole experience! 


  1. Wow, congratulations!!!!! A boy! Must be so amazing to see in 4D too :)

    Lyndsay | Fizzy Peaches Travel & Lifestyle Blog

  2. Congratulations! I'm convinced I'm having a boy! We find out in 5 days eeeeep! I can't believe how little you paid for your scan! Such a great price and sounds like the place was absolutely lovely! xx

  3. Congratulations on making it safely to this point in your pregnancy. What an exciting time! May the remainder of your pregnancy be smooth and trouble-free. 3d ultrasound
